DAILY DOSE: March 18, 2022

Posted on 03/18/2022

1. The United Nations Recognizes Taliban as the Main Government. The United Nations Security Council has adopted a resolution to secure a formal presence in Afghanistan. The vote was 14 in favor, with one abstention, by Russia.

In August 2021, when U.S. President Biden started a full exit of forces in Afghanistan, the Taliban overran the country seizing control. Afghanistan is facing a wide-spread humanitarian crisis partly caused by the U.S. Treasury freezing Afghanistan’s foreign reserves when the Taliban seized control of the country and deposed the Afghanistan government (supported by the U.S. and Western allies). The Taliban remain sanctioned under international law for its role in the September 11 attacks (September 11, 2001), which killed 2,996 people.

2. On March 16, 2022, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a bill to allow cryptocurrencies. The law determines the legal status, classification, ownership, and regulators of virtual assets, as well as setting registration requirements for crypto services providers, the Ministry of Digital Transformation said in a statement on March 16, 2022. The law allows foreign and Ukrainian cryptocurrencies exchanges to operate legally. The bill passed through parliament on February 17, 2021 after Zelensky rejected an earlier version approved in September 2021.

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