SWFI Membership

Join a Global Membership of Organizations Dedicated to Participating in the Institutional Investor Community

Global VIP Events

Education, networking, and information-driven institutional investor events

At the core, SWFI aims to foster meaningful dialogue and conversations between delegates.

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Global VIP Events by Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute (SWFI)

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Other SWFI Membership Benefits

Networking and Knowledge Sharing

A truly amazing experience for asset owners and other delegates

Significant emphasis is placed on peer-to-peer interactions, with sufficient networking time built into each engagement

Advertising Opportunities

Member cost savings in growing reach

SWFI has a broad array of engagement options including hosted webinar, branded emails, and more.

Industry Awareness

Membership recognition at events, websites, and publications

Be recognized among your peers, counterparties, and clients.

Information Distribution

Opportunities to share information and research

SWFI produces a number of platforms including the Sovereign Wealth Quarterly, SWFI events, and SWFI website.