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SWFI Subscription
The SWFI Subscription keeps you up to date on the latest deals, news, contacts and more
Fund Flow Data
See how investments have been made over time and create your own models with CSV exports
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Access contacts within profiles

View work history, education, phone numbers, emails and more

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Explore, discover, and track where sovereign funds, pensions, and other public funds are allocating their billions

The transaction database enables you the opportunity to search a global library of historical direct transactions and fund commitment data.

RFPs and Opportunities
Identify business leads and explore investment fund mandates

Pinpoint which investment strategies are gaining traction among the world's largest institutional investors.

Briefings and News
24/7 coverage of what you need to know if you work with institutional investors

Recognize global, regional, and local trends being adopted by institutional investors. Get timely intelligence and briefings on asset owners. Detect policies that could affect the investment landscape.

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Get a guided tour of the SWFI Subscription to see how it can empower you to get more deals and win business
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Fund Rankings & Profiles
We provide extensive coverage and deep history on asset owners. Access, filter, and export the largest institutional investors by ranking, type, and more

Access, filter and export the largest funds by ranking, type, and more:

  • Identify the management and board structure of institutional investors.
  • Find out key decision makers and their connections
  • Unearth scores of new institutional investors
  • Conduct diligence on potential partners and clients
  • Build lists of targets based on their asset allocation, manager lineup, and consultants
League Tables
See the rankings of Financial and Legal representatives all time.
Custom Alerts
Create email alerts on the things you want to see straight to your inbox.
Sovereign Wealth Quarterly and Special Reports
Navigate special surveys and get access to the famous Sovereign Wealth Quarterly - all part of the subscription.
Works on Desktops, Laptops, Tablets and Phones
Access your data where you want, when you want.
Manage Your Own Users
Administer your users and licenses with ease.
Get a SWFI Demo, you can fully understand the power of the SWFI Asset Owner Terminal