SWFI Daily Layoffs Briefing, April 5, 2020

Posted on 04/05/2020


San Francisco-area Astra, a company that builds rockets, terminated around 30 employees, bringing the count from 150 people to 120 people. However, the majority of the workers in the group were furloughed for three months. Astra has raised capital from investors such as Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, ACME Capital, Airbus Ventures, and Canaan Partners.


Terre Haute, Indiana-based Allura is a fiber cement siding company. Allura disclosed layoffs will start now until June 2, 2020.

CliftonLarsonAllen and BDO USA

CliftonLarsonAllen LLP is a major accountancy firm in the United States. The accounting firm is reducing all compensation by 10% starting May 1, 2020.

BDO USA employees are also facing a paycut as well.

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